iOS App Developer Intern at TeamLab
I joined TeamLab's iOS app development team to build a shopping app for BigCamera, one of the largest electronics retailers in Japan (kind of like BestBuy).
Unlike previous internship, I had more knowledge about how programming works. I was able to effectively use Stack Overflow and modify/apply the answers to my use case. I also took iOS 10 & Swift 3: From Beginner to Paid Professionalâ„¢ before I started my internship to better prepare myself for upcoming challenges.
Here are some of stuff I implemented:
- Tutotial: I created a tutorial view controller completely from scratch and attach it on top of the landing page. We display the tutorial pages when an user opens the app for the first time to help them understand what they can do with the app and how to use it.
- Skeleton: I implemented a skeleton loading component. It's the gray shining rectanble to indicate the page is loading. This provides a better user experience because the users would know the app is doing something. Otherwise, the users would think the app is frozen if it just shows a blank screen.
- Coach Mark: This is very similar to the tutorials except it explains the features when the users interact with the features for the first time. For example, if a button shows up in the UI for the first time since the app is installed, then we show a little dismissible popup that exlains what the button does.
- Login Popup: Some features in the app require the users to sign up. I made some UI changes to the sign up popup and made the buttons prettier.
I had a great mentor helping me all along the internship. I enjoyed the perks of working at TeamLab as well as all the lunches I had with the fellow employees. This internship experience gave me confidence that I can survice at UCLA (the internship was during the summer before my first quarter at UCLA).