
I was promoted from Software Engineer to Software Engineer II in August 2022.

I first joined AppFolio in June 2020 as a summer intern working on Lisa.

This is my note/review of Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

Here are my key takeaways from the book.

This is my note/review of Software Engineering at Google.

Here are some Google's software engineering best practices I decided to follow.

I accepted the return offer from AppFolio after the internship. I continued to develop the leasing scheduling AI — Lisa.

I joined AppFolio's Dynasty team to build AI Leasing Assistant — Lisa. She helps prospective tenants schedule showings via SMS or email.

The B. John Grarrik Institute for The Risk Sciences (GIRS) is a research lab at UCLA that studies the quantification and management of the risk of complex natural and engineered systems and processes.

I joined TeamLab's iOS app development team to build a shopping app for BigCamera, one of the largest electronics retailers in Japan (kind of like BestBuy).

Unlike previous internship, I had more knowledge about how programming works.

I interned at MaruMe, a startup company based in Berkeley, CA, as an iOS app developer to build a product review app (kind of like Yelp for products). This was an extension of a grad school project of the founders.